In The Matrix

For some time, it hasn’t felt like life is real. I mean – I’m a real person (as far as I know) with real experiences. So why does everything seem…so…fake?

There are others like me, who see things happening and immediately start poking holes in the story we’re being sold. Although most of us weren’t always like this, it has now become second nature. Then there are those who are so trusting, and never have any question. They simply believe what they’re told.

Whether the information is coming from a cheating partner or a thieving employee, one will not stop questioning until things make sense to us, and the other trusts right off the bat that “it’s not what it looks like.”

Now let me tell you…It really is not what it looks like. Not even close.

What isn’t? What isn’t what it looks like?

Nothing. Nothing is what it looks like.

I would love it if you would stick around and let me explain. In other words, take the red pill, like in The Matrix. I mean, what if you’re wrong? What if you’ve believed the wrong things? I’ll tell you what that means. It means you’re making decisions based on bad information.

But what if I’m wrong, you ask? Well, I didn’t spend my time trying to destroy innocent people. I didn’t spend my time trying to humiliate others. I simply tried to get what I believe to be the truth out there. If I’m wrong, or should I say…if *we* (all those with the same mindset as myself) are wrong? At worst, we provided you with material. With entertainment for the masses to laugh at.

There is such a fundamental difference between the two mindsets that there is absolutely no way, in my opinion, that both sides could be right…about many things – not necessarily all things, but many. But I’m not writing this to discuss things like abortion or gay marriage – no, this is about so much more. This is about the types of things that, had you not seen what I’ve seen, you’d call me a crazy conspiracy theorist. I prefer to use the term “Spoiler Alertist” – since all these theories keep seeming to come true.

In The Matrix, we’ll discuss some things that as recently as five years ago, I would have called somebody crazy for. But not anymore. I don’t care if you call me crazy, I only care that you know the truth. That’s my goal. To escape the matrix we are in. But we can’t do it without you.

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