Many people I’ve spoken with over the years believe in God but don’t seem to know anything about Jesus or Salvation. There are many different reasons people come to Christ, but only one method to do so: by believing in Jesus. Believing in God is good, but you also must believe that God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins in order to spend eternity in Heaven with our Creator.

Believing in Jesus is more than just believing He exists. It is knowing and understanding the Sacrifice that was made on the Cross. It is believing and confessing that Jesus died on that cross and was resurrected three days later. It is repenting of our sins.

Christ paid the ultimate price for us so that we wouldn’t have to be separated from God for eternity because of our sins. That’s how much He loves us!

I can promise you, nobody has ever regretted accepting Christ into their heart. Yes, you must repent of your sins, but God takes care of the rest. He will change you from the inside out.

God loves you and thinks you are so very special. Wouldn’t you like to know what God’s plan for you is? Wouldn’t you someday like to be reunited with friends and family members that are also in Heaven?

I can tell you this: Christian parents’ hearts break for their unsaved children. They aren’t mad because you’re not also a Christian – they are sad. Very sad. Imagine being a parent and knowing that when you die, you’ll go to heaven, but that your child won’t. That is the most gut-wrenching thing I ever went through, until my child gave her life to Christ.

Now imagine this: what if you’re wrong? What if you are wrong and you keep your child from knowing Christ? Please don’t take that chance. Your child deserves better. You deserve better. You both deserve all the wonders God has in store for you, if you’ll just allow Him in.

When you’re ready, God will be waiting.

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