The Slope Has Slipped

Some years ago, a national conversation was had about gay marriage. One side thought it would lead to the legalization of the sexualization of children. The other called that prediction a slippery slope.

The Overhauling of Straight America, The Gay
, and The Homosexual Manifesto all make
it very clear the agenda of those pushing the homosexual lifestyle.

The Overhauling of Straight America from 1987 was a bullet-pointed literal campaign complete by Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill. Bullet-points showed how America would be desensitized to homosexuality through a number of strategies: Repetitiveness; portraying gays as victims and vilifying their (imagined) oppressors; fundraising; celebrity “endorsements” (as though homosexuality is a product to be sold – newsflash, that’s exactly what it is!); subliminal messaging on billboards and other high-profile locations; taking over entertainment; running gay men for political office; and testimonials – these are just a few of the strategies they’ve employed.

Just a small portion of the entire article. To read in its entirety, go to:

Below you’ll see the first few paragraphs from The Gay Revolutionary by Michael Swift then next is The Homosexual Manifesto. These are all related, but I am unsure why some list both of these as the same title, either The Gay Manifesto or The Homosexual Manifesto. We’ll start with The Gay Revolutionary:

Although the media will say this was satire, I’m not buying it. No person who isn’t a pervert would think or say these things out-loud. The first 5 words says more than enough: they ARE coming for our children! But if you wish to read the article in its entirety, find it here:
I’ll let you all do your own investigating on this one, as it was a last minute find. Let me know what you come up with!
“A radical manifesto for gay liberation published by the Marxist cell of the US Gay Liberation Front in 1970.”

Wow, I don’t know about you guys, but somebody sure is putting an awful lot of effort into promoting homosexuality. Let’s also take a look (not too deep of a look, though, as you’ll soon understand why) at one more item of the past before we move along to more current years: NAMBLA.

I do not recommend going onto the NAMBLA website. I made that mistake several years ago and was disgusted. They are a bunch of perverts trying to legalize pedophilia. But again, if you must..the URL is in the above screenshot.

What do you suppose NAMBLA, or the North American Man-Boy Love Association, is all about? Their stated goal is to do away with age of consent. They don’t just have ties to the LGBT, they ARE the LGBT (those pushing the gay agenda, anyway), complete with the rainbow. And if you say they hijacked the rainbow from the LGBT to make it look like they were part of something they’re not, you have to then admit that the gays hijacked the rainbow from Christians to make it look like they were part of something they weren’t. The authors of the previously mentioned article, The Overhauling of Straight America, even state that they must “make it look like” they have nothing to do with NAMBLA because NAMBLA members are known pedophiles. They did not denounce pedophilia; they simply stated that they couldn’t publicly partner with NAMBLA for appearance’s sake.

Okay, I think I’ve made enough of a case from things that originated in the past. Let’s see what’s happened since then, particularly in just the last decade if that.

A clip from the 2021 San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir
song titled, “We’re Coming For Your Children”
Jazz Jennings as a young boy, already being groomed into transgenderism (L), next to a more current picture of Jazz after many years of transitioning. You can find out more by tuning into I Am Jazz, a docu-series about Jazz’s transition. Warning: bring your tissues. It’s heartbreaking what Jazz’s family has allowed and facilitated.
Just a rando on a Reddit thread for trans folks telling the truth.

This next one I’d like to discuss is a little boy named Desmond Napoles. At a very young age, Desmond’s family allowed him to be groomed by a very gay, very flamboyant party promoter-turned murderer-turned OD’d on heroin. They took their pre-teen son to a gay drag club (which is probably where his stage name “Desmond is Amazing” came into play, but who knows) where he was pimped out and sashayed down the runway in drag while gyrating on the floor in front of grown, drunken, gay men who proceeded to throw dollar bills at this precious little child of God. Desmond was later featured on a major daytime talk show receiving accolades for his “ferocious self” and being showered by adult drag queens with gifts of makeup and other things that are completely unnatural for a little boy. They also played a video of him sitting on a couch pretending to snort ketamine with a drag queen.

Desmond Napoles

Still shot from Desmond Is Amazing’s “We Are Amazing” music video. That poor baby is front and center in front of the symbol for pedophilia.

As mentioned directly above, the symbolism is just out there for everyone to see. Everyone except, of course, Desmond, because he’s been groomed into this. He’s about 16 at the time of this writing and it seems as though he is knee-deep in this transgender ideology that’s been forced upon him since he was a little boy.

I would be remiss to not point out that anyone with half a lick of common sense who has watched Desmond or heard him speak could clearly tell that this child is not only a child, but mentally underdeveloped at that. But taking advantage of children and young adults who they perceive to have mental disabilities is not rare in the world of LGBT. In fact, its common.

A group of drag kings and queens who all have Down Syndrome. This new genre of drag called “Drag Syndrome” exploits these people into performing in drag. I guess it gives them a sense of belonging. Sickening.

These sickos get off on exploiting them with things like a group called “Drag Syndrome” where young adults with Down Syndrome perform in drag. It is exploitation. But that’s what these creeps do, they prey on young children and those who they *think* aren’t smart enough to realize what’s going on. Notice the asterisks around *think* – I am not saying that people with Down Syndrome aren’t smart – I’m saying that their groomers don’t think they are.

Many schools are indoctrinating children the minute they step foot in the kindergarten classroom, as evidenced by the outrage over Florida governor Ron DeSantis putting a stop to gender ideology in grades K-3. I personally think it should be all grades, but that was a start.

A teacher in the U.K. blew the whistle on autistic students being convinced they are transgender.

If infiltrating our schools wasn’t enough, these perverts go after children even more with their Drag Queen Story Hours. Sometimes they are held at schools, but we’ve often seen them held at public libraries, churches, and even bars, where it turns into more of a burlesque show!

We are no longer allowed to say if something doesn’t look right. I mean, after all, if we did, then some grown man playing dress up trying to get into the women’s restroom would get his/her or shim/sham’s feelings hurt. Let’s not forget that all they have to do is say they feel like a woman in that moment. No sooner than it was allowed did we have grown men who weren’t even trannies,
they were just perverts, trying to gain access to the women’s bathrooms…just like we said it would happen. Hey, I have a novel idea – if you pass as a woman, you can come into the women’s restroom no questions asked. But WE are the judge of whether you pass as a woman – not you.

Trannies have also infiltrated churches, proclaiming that “love is
love” and that God loves everyone, but leaving out the fact that God does not approve of a homosexual lifestyle and that God made us either male or female, we can’t be both. They are leading people down a road that will keep them from eternity with Christ.

Article/photo courtesy of

Nobody cared what anybody was doing behind closed doors as long as it was between consenting adults, each of sound mind and maturity and not being manipulated (sad that i have to add that disclaimer). Gays (particularly transgenders) took to the streets and put their sex life on public display because they wanted special rights. They WANTED to be able to do exactly what they’re doing now, which is flaunting their perversion for the world to see and
using our children for their pleasure. For the record, I’d feel the same way if it were straight people having parades where they are next to naked (although lately the Pride events have been known to feature *fully* nude men), waving around sex toys and hanging from sex swings with multiple partners, dragging their children around for the ride.

So, you no longer get to say there is no agenda. You no longer get to use the slippery slope fallacy. Even if you are gay, it is your responsibility to protect children by not voting in this perversion. If you aren’t a part of it, you should be willing to sacrifice your own pleasure – because that’s all it is, pleasure, for the sake of children.


  1. The state of affairs all over the country and the world right now are so…who the heck would think 40 years ago that things would be so out of control? I really wish we had listened to you and others back then and tried to stop it before it got so out of control.


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