Fancy Aluminum Foil Hat Society
“I’m not just the founder, I’m a client.” – me.

FAFHS was formed about 30 seconds ago by me, the only founding member…the only member at all, actually. I was just looking for an excuse to render a fancy tin foil hat, and now here we are. Here <I> am, that is. You can join me if you like. If not, there are some things you should know before you go:

Disclaimer : No, I do not believe in aaaalllll the conspiracy theories. In fact, I don’t even look at aaaalllll the conspiracy theories. I’m pretty sure I don’t even know about *all* of them. Only if I happen to hear several bits of information that seem worthy of my time will I look into something. Personally, I think that’s a lot more sane than believing in NO conspiracy theories. I mean, some have to be true. Some ARE true if we look back in history.

Disclaimer : “What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. In other words, no, I don’t believe everything I see and hear on the World Wide Web (interwebs). This accusation always comes from someone I’m <disagreeing> with *ahem* ONLINE. Just sayin.’

Disclaimer : Many conspiracy theories are just spoiler alerts.

Disclaimer : The internet isn’t the source – it’s just the method of delivery. This isn’t the dark ages. Literally just about every person, business, organization and government in the world is online now. And let’s face it, the internet is where you yourself get the overwhelming majority of your information. So don’t come at me unless you’re walking to the brick-and-mortar library, or flying to Johns Hopkins Hospital for access to their physical copies of studies on whatever medical issue suits your fancy, or if you’re not subscribing to a physical copy of your local newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, or any other magazine. But let’s face it, if you were – you probably wouldn’t be hearing about any of the conspiracy theories in the first place, now would ya?

Disclaimer : Screen recordings of a video or website navigation are just as reliable as the original. In fact, I’d venture to say they’re more reliable. Why? Because a screen recording preserves the original context of the issue at hand. Meaning, a screen recording can show you what *used to be* while the original video might not be able to be found later on, or the navigation of or information on a website has changed and the original can no longer be accessed. A screen record shows what used to be. It’s literal history. One of the first and probably the most important lesson I learned early on in 2020 was to ALWAYS screen record, because chances are that as soon as the information gains traction and people start talking about it, the information mysteriously disappears – and then, of course, nobody believes you when you try to tell them what you saw.

Disclaimer : I am not indoctrinated. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Obviously, my mind is very open to new ideas seeing how there are many things I’ve changed my mind about in recent years. I never understood how the people who were changing their minds on lifelong-held beliefs would be considered indoctrinated. We broke the chains. You should try it!

Disclaimer : It’s okay if you don’t believe me. The things I talk about here fascinate me, or I wouldn’t be talking about them. Don’t believe me about something? It’s okay. My beliefs do not ride on how many others believe the same thing or even who it is that believes the same thing.

I’m sure as time goes on I’ll have to add more disclaimers, but this is it for now.

Hope to see you around!

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